Invader Zim Series 2 of Doom! Action Figure Doggy Disguise GIR
You looking to find the "Invader Zim Series 2 of Doom! Action Figure Doggy Disguise GIR" Good news! You can purchase Invader Zim Series 2 of Doom! Action Figure Doggy Disguise GIR with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Description
Prepare yourselves, human filthies, for Phase 2 of the Invasion? with the second series of 4-inch scale action figures based on Nickelodeon's Invader Zim. Each of the five figures in Series 2 features a detailed display base, directly from the show, as well as multiple character appropriate accessories.Invader Zim Series 2 of Doom! Action Figure Doggy Disguise GIR Review
This is my third invader zim figure so far. And it's awesome. Gir comes with 2 tacos, 3 muffins, 2 bendy wires, the roof part of zim's house, a stack of waffles, a pig, a flattened version of his toy moose, and an octopus toy. Gir has NO articulation. His arms are supposed to,but my gir's arms are very sensitive and I feel if I try harder I'll break it and thats not worth it. This toy was a little pricey but thats okay. I recommend this toy for ten and up.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Invader Zim Series 2 of Doom! Action Figure Doggy Disguise GIR" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Invader Zim Series 2 of Doom! Action Figure Doggy Disguise GIR ...